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Empowering Networks to Work
ORI: Module A - Welcome (0:48)
ORI: Module B - Tour Your Classroom
ORI: Module C - Setting Notifications
ORI: Module D - Confidentiality Acknowledgement & Course Materials
ORI: Module E - Your Done!
Session 1: Introduction to Safety Networks
Session 1: Module A - What's Different & Best Hopes
Session 1: Module B - Successes with Safety Networks
Session 1: Module C - What is a Safety Network?
Session 1: Module D - Safety People & Support People
Session 1: Module E - Safety Network Challenges
Session 1: Module F - Network Responsibility
Session 1: Module G - Introducing the Family and Network (0:38)
Session 1: Module H - It’s Not My Safety Network (2:38)
Session 1: Module I - I’m Not the One Who Builds the Safety Network (6:42)
Session 1: Module J - I Don’t Send Anyone Away
Session 1: Module K - Professionals Aren’t the Key Safety Network People (1:13)
Session 1: Module L - Challenges the Family Brings Forward (1:00)
Session 1: Module M - Reflection & Application
Session 2: Identifying Safety Network People
Session 2: Module A - Reflection
Session 2: Module B - Foundation Principles
Session 2: Module C - Family and Network Responsibilities (0:54)
Session 2: Module D - Approaching Families
Session 2: Module E - When Do We Approach Families?
Session 2: Module F - Network Exploration Tool
Session 2: Module G - "I Have No One" or "I’m Not Willing to Include People" (9:27)
Session 2: Module H - "I'll bring 20 people" (4:24)
Session 2: Module I - Other Barriers
Session 2: Module J - Network Viability Tool
Session 2: Module K - Reflection and Application
Session 3: Initial Assessment of Safety/Support Network People
Session 3: Module A - Reflection
Session 3: Module B - Gathering Information
Session 3: Module C - Sorting Matrix Conversation Tool (2:46)
Session 3: Module D - Using the Sorting Matrix Conversation Tool
Session 3: Module E - Using the Sorting Matrix Conversation Tool, Ongoing Work (8:29)
Session 3: Module F - Routine Schedule (1:06)
Session 3: Module G - Introducing the Routine Schedule Tool (1:53)
Session 3: Module H - Involving Networks
Session 3: Module I - Reflections and Application
Session 4: Initial Network Meeting for Long Term Safety
Session 4: Module A - Reflection
Session 4: Module B - What's your Structure for Initial Network Meetings?
Session 4: Module C - Network Assessment Meeting Structure
Session 4: Module D - Introductions
Session 4: Module E - Purpose, Understanding Roles & Expectations (5:11)
Session 4: Module F - Honoring Caregivers and Network Participants
Session 4: Module G - Why are we Here? (3:49)
Session 4: Module H - Sorting Matrix Conversation about Roles (1:53)
Session 4: Module I - Partnership Questions (2:41)
Session 4: Module J - Network Disputes
Session 4: Module K - Assessing Willingness, Capacity & Confidence (1:34)
Session 4: Module L - "Assigning" Roles & Responsibilities
Session 4: Module M - Introducing the Safety Journal
Session 4: Module N - Scheduling Tips & Tools
Session 4: Module O - Network Self Reflection Tool
Session 4: Module P - You're Done with this Session!
Session 5: Commitment Calendar
Session 5: Module A - Reflection
Session 5: Module B - Routine Schedule (1:06)
Session 5: Module C - Clarifying and Confirming Network Availability
Session 5: Module D - Commitment Calendar Overview (0:42)
Session 5: Module E - Commitment Calendar In Action (10:18)
Session 5: Module F - What People are Saying
Session 5: Module G - Navigating Gaps (1:09)
Session 5: Module H - Have People Overcommitted?
Session 5: Module I - Reflection & Application
Session 6: Building The Long Term Safety or Support Plan
Session 6: Module A - Reflections
Session 6: Module B - Involving the Network in the Development of the Plan (0:54)
Session 6: Module C - Components of a Long-Term Safety Plan
Session 6: Module D - Meeting Structure
Session 6: Module E - Guided Discussion
Session 6: Module F - Let's Watch Avi in Action! (9:36)
Session 6: Module G - Asking Questions About Warning Signs (8:26)
Session 6: Module H - Application
Session 6: Module I - Monitoring & Refining Plans
Session 6: Module J - Reflection
Session 7: Ensuring the Sustainability of Safety Networks
Session 7: Module A - Reflections
Session 7: Module B - Moving Towards Sustainability (1:34)
Session 7: Module C - What is a Network Liaison?
Session 7: Module D - Network Liaison Role & Responsibilities
Session 7: Module E - Future Network Meetings & Communication
Session 7: Module F - Network Challenges (3:46)
Session 7: Module G - Fail Safe Scenarios (4:35)
Session 7: Module H - Reflection & Application
Session 8: Initial Network Meeting for Immediate Safety
Session 8: Module A - Reflections
Session 8: Module B - Immediate Safety
Session 8: Module C - Process Considerations
Session 8: Module D - Who Will Keep These Children Safe Tonight? (6:42)
Session 8: Module E - Thinking Through the 'Who'
Session 8: Module F - Ensuring Clarity
Session 8: Module G - How Exactly Will These People Do It?
Session 8: Module H - Cody and Susan's Immediate Safety Plan (9:06)
Session 8: Module I - Clarity on Timeframes
Session 8: Module J - Questions to Ensure Clarity on Timeframes
Session 8: Module K - Another Resource!
Session 8: Module L - Course Reflections
Session 8: Module M - Hearing From You!
Session 8: Module N - Certificate of Completion and CEU Application
Session 1: Module E - Safety Network Challenges
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