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Elevating Youth Voices
ORI: Module A - Welcome (0:48)
ORI: Module B - Tour Your Classroom
ORI: Module C - Setting Notifications
ORI: Module D - Confidentiality Acknowledgement
Session #1: Youth Engagement
Session 1, Module A: Introduction (4:25)
Session 1 Module B: Overview of Core Values (3:55)
Session 1, Module C: Core Value - Preparation
Session 1, Module D: Core Value - Support
Session 1, Module E: Core Value - Debriefing
Session 1, Module F: Youth Well-Being
Session 1, Module G: Child Welfare to Youth Welfare (4:51)
Session 1, Module H: Being Proactive
Session 1, Module I: Being Individualized and Youth-Driven
Session 1, Module J: Being Normalcy-Focused
Session 1, Module K: Being Focused on the Future
Session 1, Module L: Youth Participation Models (3:50)
Session 1, Module M: Co-Design Principles (12:20)
Session 1, Module N: Sharing Power
Session 1, Module O: Prioritizing People With Lived Experience
Session 1, Module P: Creating Physical and Psychological Safety
Session 1, Module Q: Equipping Everyone to Fully Engage
Session 1, Module R: Co-Design Rights and Responsibilities (2:39)
Session 1: Module S: Youth Voice & Youth Advisory Councils (11:45)
Session 1, Module T: Empowering Youth Voice (2:12)
Session 1, Module U: Closure & Reflection (1:40)
Session #2: Values
Session 2, Module A: Welcome to Session 2! (2:50)
Session 2, Module B: Adolescent Brain Development
Session 2, Module C: The Teen Brain, 7 Things to Know
Session 2, Module D: Promoting Brain Gains
Session 2, Module E: Positive Youth Development Approach
Session 2, Module F: Provide Interdependent Living Services
Session 2, Module G: Engage Young People In Planning (3:06)
Session 2, Module H: Be Trauma Informed (3:35)
Session 2, Module I: Extend Foster Care
Session 2, Module J: Positive Youth Development (PYD) (2:34)
Session 2, Module K: Implementing a PYD Approach
Session 2, Module L: Paradigm Shift
Session 2, Module M: Strengthening Connections (1:59)
Session 2, Module N: Scaffolding Permanent Connections (4:42)
Session 2, Module O: Keeping the Family Conversation Alive
Session 2, Module P: Interdependent Living Services for Youth in Foster Care
Session 2, Module Q: Wrap-Up (1:38)
Session 2, Module R: Feedback & CEU Certificate
Session 2, Module K: Implementing a PYD Approach
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